Gallery Nobhill
Nobhill springers in the 1980's : part 2

Nobhill Dearest Delight
(CH Willowbank's Bolero - LP N Chance's Delight
Photo Christina Terfelt

Nobhill Show Them Princess
(INTCh Brigadoon New Generation of York -
INTCh Adamant's Leading Lady)
Photo Christina Terfelt

Nobhill Duchess Go Grand
(INTCh Brigadoon New Generation of York -
INTCh Adamant's Leading Lady)
Photo Christina Terfelt
Dixie, black-white bitch born 1987.
1 CC.
Hips 1. youngster on the photo.
Owner: Anders Tosteberg
Miranda, liver-white bitch born 1987.
CK in shows.
Hips and eyes clear.
15 months on the photo.
Owner: Kennel Nobhill / Lars Lundbom
Arja, liver-white and tan bitch born 1987.
9 CC's and 4 cacib in Sweden,
several BOB and BOS, BIG-1 and
BIS-3 SKK. Hips and eyes clear
youngster on the photo.
Owner: Kennel Hammersmith

Nobhill On The Dark Side
(INT FINCH Springdale Huckleberry Finn -
Springdale Impressive Dream)
Photo Per Undén

Nobhill Dark Piece of Art
(INT FINCH Springdale Huckleberry Finn -
Springdale Impressive Dream)
Photo Monica Dreijer

Nobhill Daugther of Darkness
(INT FINCH Springdale Huckleberry Finn -
Springdale Impressive Dream)
Photo Christina Terfelt
Fonzie, liver-white male born 1987.
14 CC's in Sweden, 1 CC in Norway.
CACIB, several BOB and BOS.
BIS SKK in Vasteras 1989.
Owner: Kennel Nobhill / Margareta Sandström
Debbie, black-white bitch born 1987.
Several BIS-puppy.10 CC's, CACIB,
2 BOB, BIG-3 SKK. 2 BOS.
Hips and eyes clear.
Owner Kennel Barecho
Towe, black-white bitch born 1987.
Hips and eyes clear.
Puppy on the photo.
Owner: Kennel Sontoc

Nobhill After Dark
(INT FINCH Springdale Huckleberry Finn -
Springdale Impressive Dream)
Photo Monica Dreijer

Nobhill Promise in The Dark
(INT FINCH Springdale Huckleberry Finn -
Springdale Impressive Dream)
Photo Kicki Källström

Nobhill Pleasure Is Mine
(Rowntree Jet Comander - Nobhill Chance's Pleasure)
Photo Monica Dreijer
Bobby, black-white male born 1987.
3 CC's and BOS.
Owner: Kennel Barecho
Dusty,liver-white male born 1987.
BIS-2 puppy, 2 CC's,
Hips and eyes clear.
Owner: Kicki Källström.
Tracy, liver-white bitch born 1988.
BIS-2 puppy all breed.
1 CC in Sweden, BOB, BIG-3 SKK.
Hips and eyes clear.
Owner: Kennel Barecho

To Gallery Nobhill 80's part 1 To Gallery Nobhill 80's part 3

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